Utility Billing

(Works with the GFMS Accounting Program)

Prairifire Software Solutions Utility Billing is a comprehensive utility billing system designed to manage all of your utility customer’s information.  This module is used in conjunction with the Fund Accounting Program.

Account Information

Enter the service locations one time with all the services available at that location. Landlord information and billing instructions are stored with the service location. Work orders can also be entered and printed from the service location.

Service Locations

On the service locations screen, there is a tab with work orders fulfilled on this property. Follow the history of the problems and the resolutions completed on any particular property. Below is a picture of the work order entry screen.

Work Orders

Below is a sample Landlord Screen. Store instructions regarding a landlord's properties on this screen and view a list of properties owned by this landlord.


When a new owner moves into a service location, all the services available will be displayed. If a service will not be used by this owner, simply remove it from their account. Access to a variety of information is available at the account screen. Billing history, payment history, services in use, deposit information, automatic payment information and customer notes to list just a few of the items are available at the account information screen.

Budget billing is available with a Monthly Budget Settlement report that can be printed to notify you who needs to pay the budgeting difference and sign a new contract.

Bills are printed on 8 ½” x 11” four part laser sheets. All information is printed including the permit information for bulk mailing. This information is entered into the program and will print on the bill. The bills are bar coded according to United States Post Office standards. There is an area on the back with multiple lines for messages to be printed.

There are many reports. Below is a complete list with more detail about a selected few reports.

UBS Report List

Edit List – Lists all the customers billed, their account number, meter readings, consumption and charges for metered services.

Billing Register – Lists the customers billed, their account number, service location billed, the service, consumption and amount charged.

Aged Trial Balance – Lists the account number, customers and their aged balances due.

Type of Service Report – Lists in summary or detail the total consumption and dollars billed for the chosen metered services.

Customer per Rate Report – Lists in summary or detail the number of customers and the consumption for each rated entered in the rate tables maintenance.

Labels – There are three different types of labels available, mailing labels, meter book labels, and index card labels.

Sales Tax Report – Lists in summary or detail the dollar amount collected for each service by class code. Used to calculate the sales tax payable to the state.

Work Order Report – Lists all the information on a work order. Work orders can be chosen by their status, pending, completed or both.